var vs let vs const javascript (madanagouda)

What is the difference between var,let and const in JavaScript..?

Girish Goudar
3 min readApr 24, 2020

The ECMAScript Standard introduced new features in JavaScript Programming Language such as ‘let‘ and ‘const‘.

var,let and const are the keywords to declare variables in JavaScript. Let us see one by one,

var: The var keyword is used to declare a variable in JavaScript , these declarations are processed before the execution of code.

If the variable declared within a function or a method , then we can say that ‘The scope of the variable is within function’ .


function testmyvar(){
var i = 10; // assigning 10 to the var i
console.log(i);// here you cannot access the variable i.
You will see the error :Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined

Same time you can use the globally declared variable within your function and re-declare it .

if you modify the value of globally declared variable within your function, it will effects to the globally declared variable.


var a = 10; // value of a is 10, globally declared 
var a = 20; // The value of a is changed to 20
console.log('Theue of a inside this scope is '+a);
console.log('Thebal variable value changed to '+a);

Overall we came to know that var keyword is used to declare a variable in JavaScript. The var variable declared as a global can be changed inside the function.

Re-Declaring the same variable within the same scope is valid with var keyword.


function redeclaretestwithvar(){ 
var a =1;
var a =2;
console.log(a); //will show you 2
var a = 10; // value of a is 10, globally declared
var a = 5;
var a = 20; // The value of a is changed to 20
console.log('Theue of a inside this scope is '+a);
console.log(a)// will show you 5;

Lets move to let keyword.

As we used var the let is also useful to declare a variable within the Block scope.and the globally assigned value can not be changed.


function testLetFunction(){
let a =10;
console.log(a); // show you 10
let a=20;
console.log(a); // show you 20
console.log(a); // show you 10

As you can see in the above example , the value assigned to the variable a by let keyword is in block scope.
the value changed inside if() Block only. After the if() block, the value of a declared within the function scope was remains unchanged.

Re-Declaring the same variable within the same scope is invalid with let keyword, it will throw Uncaught SyntaxError.

function redeclareTestwithLet(){
let a =5;
let a =10; //Identifier 'a' has already been declared

Const: Const is same as let except that const will not allow you to modify the value of it.

const MY_CONST = 10;
function testConstFunctions();
const MY_CONST = 20;
console.log("insidetion "+MY_CONST); //output 20
console.log("Globale"+MY_CONST);// output 10

As you can see from above example the const declares a variable in local block scope.
Re-Declaring a const within a same block scope will throw an error.

const MY_CONST = 10;
const MY_CONST = 20; // error :uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'MY_CONST' has already been declared
function testConstFunctions();
const MY_CONST = 20;
console.log("insidetion "+MY_CONST); //output 20
const MY_CONST = 25; //uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'MY_CONST' has already been declared

Const variables cannot be changed but Const objects can be changed

JavaScript allows you to change a const object, you can change the properties of an object, you can add a new property to the const object, But you cannot reassign a object.


//Declare a const object
const student = {name:"Madan", Age:"25", class:"computer-Science"};
//modify this object by adding a new property
console.log(student); // object will includes gender
// Modify the value of any property of the same object"Madanagouda console.log(student);// object name is changed


student = {name:"Girish", Age:"25", class:"Electronics"};    // Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

In the same way const arrays can be changed but cannot be re assigned

//Declare a const array
const planets = ["Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars","Ceres","Jupiter", "Saturn","Uranus","Neptune","Pluto"];

//add a new value to this const array
planets.push="Ceres console.log(planets); // array will includes Ceres
// Modify the existing array value
console.log(planets);// Array values changed

planets.pop();// removed last element from your const array
planets = ["Pluto", "Ceres", "Haumea", "Makemake","Eris"];// Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

Thanks for reading this Article.
hAppY cOdiNg.. ;



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